Course Description:

The management planning course expands on the interpretation of the building survey results and demonstrates how this information and the hazard assessment process are used in the development of the operations and maintenance plan. Safe practices and procedures are stressed as well as on-going surveillance, recordkeeping and administration.

Each student will be required to pass a written examination to fulfill the requirements for NYS and EPA/AHERA certification. Upon successful completion of the program, each student will receive a Certificate of Completion Diploma, along with an AHERA identification card (optional).

*Please select the box below when registering for the course only if you will be applying for New York State. By selecting this box you will be paying the additional fee in order to receive the state form which will be submitted along with application.

Price: $375.00

Upcoming Dates:

No classes for this course are currently scheduled for this time. Contact Us to schedule a course or find out the next available date.

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