Course Description:

Education and Experience Requirements
Prior to training, all individuals applying for a Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor permit must certify that they meet the minimum education and experience requirements as set forth in N.J.A.C. 8:62-3.2. A permit will be issued only to those applicants who meet the following:

One (1) year experience in a related field (eg. Lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, construction-related health and safety inspection) and one of the following:

1. A Bachelors degree and one (1) additional year of experience in a related field.
2. Certification as a sanitary inspector-grade 1; health officer, an industrial hygienist, an engineer, a registered architect, or an environmentally-related scientific field such as an environmental scientist.
3. A high school diploma (or equivalent) and at least two additional years experience in a related field.

An examination will be given at the end of the course. Upon successful completion of the examination, a Certificate of Completion, along with information and required paperwork for entrance into State examinations, will be issued.

Course Topics Include: Health Concerns of Lead, Sampling and Testing Methods for Paint, Dust, Soil, Air and Water, Theory and Use of X-Ray Fluorescence , Legal and Insurance Issues, Abatement Project Clearance Procedures, Federal, State and Local Regulations, HUD Interim Lead-Based Paint Guidelines and Risk Assessment Protocol, Development of In-Place Management Programs, Worker Protection and Safety

Who Should Attend:

Health department inspectors, environmental consultants, industrial hygienists, engineers, architects, lead-based paint supervisors and contractors, building and property owners, housing authority professionals, home and building inspectors.

Price: $725.00

Upcoming Dates: